Knjige i Radovi

Na ovoj stranici možete naći spisak knjiga i radova Dr Mirjane Zivanov

  1. Zivanov, M., Primovic, S. & Kelemen, A. (2010, May) Use of Lycopodium Clavatum in Improving Digestive Disorder as a Prevention of Sexual Dysfunction. Paper presented at the Anti-AgingTM – Belgrade 2010, Belgrade, Serbia
  2. Zivanov, M. (2011) Homeopatska medicina – Terapija, Novi Sad, Serbia: Sainos.
  3. Zivanov, M. (2012) Homeopathy in Practice, Charleston, South Carolina: CreateSpace.
  4. Zivanov, M. (2012) Гомеопатическая медицины – Терапия, Novi Sad, Serbia: Sainos.
  5. Zivanov, M. (2013, March 5th). Case Theridion. Hahnemann Ki Aawaz. Retrieved from
  6. Zivanov, M. (2013, April 1st ). Case Sepia. Hahnemann Ki Aawaz. Retrieved from
  7. Zivanov, M. (2013, June 29th ). The Staphysagria Case – a 34 year old woman, ballet dancer. HOMEOPATHIC RESEARCH. Retrieved from
  8. Zivanov, M. (2013, August 17th). L’invitée de la revue, Dr Mirjana Zivanov, Secrétaire générale de l’association internationale des jeunes homéopathes. La Revue Médicale Dz. Retrieved from
  9. Zivanov, M. (2013, August 18th). The Bryonia Case. Homeo Article. Retrieved from
  10. Zivanov, M. (2013, August 21st ). The guest of the journal, Dr. Mirjana Zivanov, International Vice President of the Homeopathic Youth Association. La Revue Médicale Dz. Retrieved from
  11. Zivanov, M. (2013) A Case of Agoraphobia. Homeopathy 4 Everyone Vol 10 Issue 8. Retrieved from
  12. Zivanov, M. (2013) The Drosera Case (Thirty year old woman, treated by Homeopathy). Sehat Evam Surat 9/2013: 18-19.
  13. Zivanov, M. (2012, November 10th) Dr Mirjana Zivanov: Intervju za Radio Novi Sad. [Video file]. YouTube. Retrieved from
  14. Zivanov, M. (2013, April 24th) Dr Mirjana Zivanov: Homeopatija (Beograd, 18. 04. 2013). [Video file]. YouTube. Retrieved from
  15. Živanov, M., Kelemen, A. (2013) Homeopatska medicina – Principi, Novi Sad, Serbia: Sainos.
  16. Zivanov, M. (2014) A Causticum Case. Homeopathy 4 Everyone Vol 11 Issue 2. Retrieved from
  17. Zivanov, M. (2014). A homeopathic view on health and lifestyle. HOMEOPATHIC RESEARCH. Retrieved from
  18. Zivanov, M. (2014). The Crotalus Cascavella case. HOMEOPATHIC RESEARCH. Retrieved from
  19. Zivanov, M. (2014) Cancer – A Theridion Case. Homeopathy 4 Everyone Vol 11 Issue 4. Retrieved from
  20. Živanov, M., Primović, S. (2014) Homeopatska medicina – Nevidljivi uticaji, Novi Sad, Serbia: Sainos.
  21. Zivanov, M. (2014, September 2nd). „The Theory of Primordial Essence in Homeopathy. La Revue Médicale Dz. Retrieved from
  22. Zivanov, M. (2014) The Theory of Primordial Essence. Monthly Moalij , Karachi. November 2014.pp:8-10.
  23. Zivanov, M., Primovic, S., Kelemen A. (2014) Matrix Method in Quest for Simillimum. presented at INTERNATIONAL HOMOEOPATHIC CONGRESS GOA 2014, Panaji. December 20th 2014. Goa, India.
  24. Zivanov, M. (2014). TONSILLITIS LYCOPODIUM CASE – Girl Six Years Old. HOMEOPATHIC RESEARCH. Retrieved from
  25. Zivanov, M. (2015) Tetractys of Simillimum. Homeopathy 4 Everyone Vol 12 Issue 2. Retrieved from
  26. Zivanov, M. (2015). The One – About the Vital force and Hypostasis. HOMEOPATHIC RESEARCH. Retrieved from
  27. Zivanov, M., Primovic, S., Kelemen A. (2015) The Matrix Method with Tetractys Model, Charleston, South Carolina: CreateSpace.
  28. Zivanov, M. (2015) An Introduction to the Matrix Method. Homoeopathica Informatica Bulletin, Vol.1, Issue 4: 6-7.
  29. Zivanov, M. (2015). The Matrix Method – Springboard in Homeopathy Used in a Mercurius Iodatus Flavus Case. HOMEOPATHIC RESEARCH. Retrieved from
  30. Zivanov, M. (2015) The Matrix Method with Tetractys Model. presented at INTERNATIONAL HOMOEOPATHIC SEMINAR LONDON 2015, London. October 24th 2015. London, UK.
  31. Zivanov, M.(2015) The Importance of the step-by-step approach. The Homeopathic Heritage Vol. 41 No. 7.
  32. Zivanov, M. (2015) The Matrix Method with Tetractys Model. Homeopathy 4 Everyone Vol 12 Issue 11. Retrieved from
  33. Zivanov, M. (2016) The Tetractys of a Thuja Case Method. Homeopathy 4 Everyone Vol 13 Issue 1. Retrieved from
  34. Zivanov, M. (2016) The Matrix Method used in a Arg-n Case. Homoeopathica Informatica Bulletin, Vol.2, Issue 2: 2-6.
  35. Zivanov, M. (2016) Restoring Health After Myocardial Infarction with Aurum Metallicum Using the Tetractys Model. Homeopathy 4 Everyone Vol 13 Issue 5. Retrieved from
  36. Zivanov, M. (2016) Miscarriage in a Cat Solved by Cuprum Metallicum. Homeopathy 4 Everyone Vol 13 Issue 6. Retrieved from
  37. Zivanov, M. (2016) Revealing Your True Name – Your Simillimum, the Matrix Method in Practice. presented at INTERNATIONAL HOMOEOPATHIC SEMINAR LONDON 2016, London. September 25th 2015. London, UK.
  38. Zivanov, M. (2017). A Homeopathic Day Carried by Stramonium Storm. HOMEOPATHIC RESEARCH. Retrieved from
  39. Zivanov, M. (2017) Iz morskih dubina Kalium phosphoricum izašao je. Simillimum Times Vol 8 No 3.
  40. Zivanov, M. (2017) Homeopatski dan nošen lavinom Stramonijuma. Bilten udruženja Hahnemann V godina, Br. 20, Maj 2017.
  41. Zivanov, M., Primovic, S., Kelemen A. (2017) Opening the Secret Door with Matrix and Tetractys, Charleston, South Carolina: CreateSpace.
  42. Zivanov, M. (2017) Matrix Method Prescription. presented at KQHDA International Homoeopathic Conference 2017, Bengaluru. September 8th, 9th and 10th 2017. Bengaluru, India.
  43. Zivanov, M. (2018, January 26th) Dr Mirjana Zivanov: Homeopatija, Intervju za Radio Novi Sad. [Video file]. YouTube. Retrieved from
  44. Zivanov, M. (2018) In Quest for the Original Helleborus Niger in Antiquity and in Homeopathy. Homeopathy 4 Everyone Vol 15 Issue 5. Retrieved from
  45. Zivanov, M. (2018) Karmic Remedies in the Light of the Matrix Method. Homoeopathica Informatica Bulletin, Vol.4 Issue 3, April 2018, Bikaner, India
  46. Zivanov, M., Primovic, S., Kelemen A. (2018) Matrix & Tetractys in Homeopathy, New Delhi, India: BJain Publishers (P) Ltd. USA – Europe – India.
  47. Zivanov, M., Primovic, S., Kelemen A. (2018) Opening the Secret Door with Matrix and Tetractys in Homeopathy, New Delhi, India: BJain Publishers (P) Ltd. USA – Europe – India.
  48. Zivanov, M. (2018) Karmic Remedies in the Light of the Matrix Method. presented at INTERNATIONAL HOMOEOPATHIC CONGRESS LONDON 2018, London. September 29th 2018. London, UK.
  49. Zivanov, M. (2018) Homeopathic Remedies for the Patient’s Vis Vitalis and Vis Animalis. Homoeopathica Informatica Bulletin, Vol.5 Issue 3, April 2019, Bikaner, India
  50. Zivanov, M. (2018) The Simillimum Followed by a Karmic Remedy. presented at INTERNATIONAL HOMOEOPATHIC CONGRESS LONDON 2019, London. September 29th 2019. London, UK.
  51. Zivanov, M. (2020) Speculative Thoughts on Coronavirus – Based on the Matrix Method. Homeopathy 4 Everyone Vol 17 Issue 3. Retrieved from
  52. Zivanov, M. (2020) The Effects of the Remedy Phosphoricum Acidum for COVID. presented at the 100th Day Celebration Webinar of IFPH (International Forum for Promoting Homeopathy), December 18th, 2020, India.
  53. Zivanov, M. (2021) Phosphoricum Acidum in Treatment of COVID-19 Patients Part 1. Homeopathy 4 Everyone Vol 18 Issue 1. Retrieved from
  54. Zivanov, M. (2021) Phosphoricum Acidum in Treatment of COVID-19 Patients Part 2. Homeopathy 4 Everyone Vol 18 Issue 2. Retrieved from
  55. Zivanov, M. (2021) Using the Matrix Method for the Skin Diseases. presented at the Sparsh 2021 Dermatology Webinar of IHMA (Indian Homeopathic Medical Association), February 28th, 2021, India.
  56. Zivanov, M. (2021) An Introduction to Matrix Method in Homeopathy. presented at the 100th Day Celebration Webinar of IFPH (International Forum for Promoting Homeopathy), March 14th, 2021, India.