Na ovoj stranici možete naći spisak knjiga i radova Dr Mirjane Zivanov
- Zivanov, M., Primovic, S. & Kelemen, A. (2010, May) Use of Lycopodium Clavatum in Improving Digestive Disorder as a Prevention of Sexual Dysfunction. Paper presented at the Anti-AgingTM – Belgrade 2010, Belgrade, Serbia
- Zivanov, M. (2011) Homeopatska medicina – Terapija, Novi Sad, Serbia: Sainos.
- Zivanov, M. (2012) Homeopathy in Practice, Charleston, South Carolina: CreateSpace.
- Zivanov, M. (2012) Гомеопатическая медицины – Терапия, Novi Sad, Serbia: Sainos.
- Zivanov, M. (2013, March 5th). Case Theridion. Hahnemann Ki Aawaz. Retrieved from
- Zivanov, M. (2013, April 1st ). Case Sepia. Hahnemann Ki Aawaz. Retrieved from
- Zivanov, M. (2013, June 29th ). The Staphysagria Case – a 34 year old woman, ballet dancer. HOMEOPATHIC RESEARCH. Retrieved from
- Zivanov, M. (2013, August 17th). L’invitée de la revue, Dr Mirjana Zivanov, Secrétaire générale de l’association internationale des jeunes homéopathes. La Revue Médicale Dz. Retrieved from
- Zivanov, M. (2013, August 18th). The Bryonia Case. Homeo Article. Retrieved from
- Zivanov, M. (2013, August 21st ). The guest of the journal, Dr. Mirjana Zivanov, International Vice President of the Homeopathic Youth Association. La Revue Médicale Dz. Retrieved from
- Zivanov, M. (2013) A Case of Agoraphobia. Homeopathy 4 Everyone Vol 10 Issue 8. Retrieved from
- Zivanov, M. (2013) The Drosera Case (Thirty year old woman, treated by Homeopathy). Sehat Evam Surat 9/2013: 18-19.
- Zivanov, M. (2012, November 10th) Dr Mirjana Zivanov: Intervju za Radio Novi Sad. [Video file]. YouTube. Retrieved from
- Zivanov, M. (2013, April 24th) Dr Mirjana Zivanov: Homeopatija (Beograd, 18. 04. 2013). [Video file]. YouTube. Retrieved from
- Živanov, M., Kelemen, A. (2013) Homeopatska medicina – Principi, Novi Sad, Serbia: Sainos.
- Zivanov, M. (2014) A Causticum Case. Homeopathy 4 Everyone Vol 11 Issue 2. Retrieved from
- Zivanov, M. (2014). A homeopathic view on health and lifestyle. HOMEOPATHIC RESEARCH. Retrieved from
- Zivanov, M. (2014). The Crotalus Cascavella case. HOMEOPATHIC RESEARCH. Retrieved from
- Zivanov, M. (2014) Cancer – A Theridion Case. Homeopathy 4 Everyone Vol 11 Issue 4. Retrieved from
- Živanov, M., Primović, S. (2014) Homeopatska medicina – Nevidljivi uticaji, Novi Sad, Serbia: Sainos.
- Zivanov, M. (2014, September 2nd). „The Theory of Primordial Essence in Homeopathy. La Revue Médicale Dz. Retrieved from
- Zivanov, M. (2014) The Theory of Primordial Essence. Monthly Moalij , Karachi. November 2014.pp:8-10.
- Zivanov, M., Primovic, S., Kelemen A. (2014) Matrix Method in Quest for Simillimum. presented at INTERNATIONAL HOMOEOPATHIC CONGRESS GOA 2014, Panaji. December 20th 2014. Goa, India.
- Zivanov, M. (2014). TONSILLITIS LYCOPODIUM CASE – Girl Six Years Old. HOMEOPATHIC RESEARCH. Retrieved from
- Zivanov, M. (2015) Tetractys of Simillimum. Homeopathy 4 Everyone Vol 12 Issue 2. Retrieved from
- Zivanov, M. (2015). The One – About the Vital force and Hypostasis. HOMEOPATHIC RESEARCH. Retrieved from
- Zivanov, M., Primovic, S., Kelemen A. (2015) The Matrix Method with Tetractys Model, Charleston, South Carolina: CreateSpace.
- Zivanov, M. (2015) An Introduction to the Matrix Method. Homoeopathica Informatica Bulletin, Vol.1, Issue 4: 6-7.
- Zivanov, M. (2015). The Matrix Method – Springboard in Homeopathy Used in a Mercurius Iodatus Flavus Case. HOMEOPATHIC RESEARCH. Retrieved from
- Zivanov, M. (2015) The Matrix Method with Tetractys Model. presented at INTERNATIONAL HOMOEOPATHIC SEMINAR LONDON 2015, London. October 24th 2015. London, UK.
- Zivanov, M.(2015) The Importance of the step-by-step approach. The Homeopathic Heritage Vol. 41 No. 7.
- Zivanov, M. (2015) The Matrix Method with Tetractys Model. Homeopathy 4 Everyone Vol 12 Issue 11. Retrieved from
- Zivanov, M. (2016) The Tetractys of a Thuja Case Method. Homeopathy 4 Everyone Vol 13 Issue 1. Retrieved from
- Zivanov, M. (2016) The Matrix Method used in a Arg-n Case. Homoeopathica Informatica Bulletin, Vol.2, Issue 2: 2-6.
- Zivanov, M. (2016) Restoring Health After Myocardial Infarction with Aurum Metallicum Using the Tetractys Model. Homeopathy 4 Everyone Vol 13 Issue 5. Retrieved from
- Zivanov, M. (2016) Miscarriage in a Cat Solved by Cuprum Metallicum. Homeopathy 4 Everyone Vol 13 Issue 6. Retrieved from
- Zivanov, M. (2016) Revealing Your True Name – Your Simillimum, the Matrix Method in Practice. presented at INTERNATIONAL HOMOEOPATHIC SEMINAR LONDON 2016, London. September 25th 2015. London, UK.
- Zivanov, M. (2017). A Homeopathic Day Carried by Stramonium Storm. HOMEOPATHIC RESEARCH. Retrieved from
- Zivanov, M. (2017) Iz morskih dubina Kalium phosphoricum izašao je. Simillimum Times Vol 8 No 3.
- Zivanov, M. (2017) Homeopatski dan nošen lavinom Stramonijuma. Bilten udruženja Hahnemann V godina, Br. 20, Maj 2017.
- Zivanov, M., Primovic, S., Kelemen A. (2017) Opening the Secret Door with Matrix and Tetractys, Charleston, South Carolina: CreateSpace.
- Zivanov, M. (2017) Matrix Method Prescription. presented at KQHDA International Homoeopathic Conference 2017, Bengaluru. September 8th, 9th and 10th 2017. Bengaluru, India.
- Zivanov, M. (2018, January 26th) Dr Mirjana Zivanov: Homeopatija, Intervju za Radio Novi Sad. [Video file]. YouTube. Retrieved from
- Zivanov, M. (2018) In Quest for the Original Helleborus Niger in Antiquity and in Homeopathy. Homeopathy 4 Everyone Vol 15 Issue 5. Retrieved from
- Zivanov, M. (2018) Karmic Remedies in the Light of the Matrix Method. Homoeopathica Informatica Bulletin, Vol.4 Issue 3, April 2018, Bikaner, India
- Zivanov, M., Primovic, S., Kelemen A. (2018) Matrix & Tetractys in Homeopathy, New Delhi, India: BJain Publishers (P) Ltd. USA – Europe – India.
- Zivanov, M., Primovic, S., Kelemen A. (2018) Opening the Secret Door with Matrix and Tetractys in Homeopathy, New Delhi, India: BJain Publishers (P) Ltd. USA – Europe – India.
- Zivanov, M. (2018) Karmic Remedies in the Light of the Matrix Method. presented at INTERNATIONAL HOMOEOPATHIC CONGRESS LONDON 2018, London. September 29th 2018. London, UK.
- Zivanov, M. (2018) Homeopathic Remedies for the Patient’s Vis Vitalis and Vis Animalis. Homoeopathica Informatica Bulletin, Vol.5 Issue 3, April 2019, Bikaner, India
- Zivanov, M. (2018) The Simillimum Followed by a Karmic Remedy. presented at INTERNATIONAL HOMOEOPATHIC CONGRESS LONDON 2019, London. September 29th 2019. London, UK.
- Zivanov, M. (2020) Speculative Thoughts on Coronavirus – Based on the Matrix Method. Homeopathy 4 Everyone Vol 17 Issue 3. Retrieved from
- Zivanov, M. (2020) The Effects of the Remedy Phosphoricum Acidum for COVID. presented at the 100th Day Celebration Webinar of IFPH (International Forum for Promoting Homeopathy), December 18th, 2020, India.
- Zivanov, M. (2021) Phosphoricum Acidum in Treatment of COVID-19 Patients Part 1. Homeopathy 4 Everyone Vol 18 Issue 1. Retrieved from
- Zivanov, M. (2021) Phosphoricum Acidum in Treatment of COVID-19 Patients Part 2. Homeopathy 4 Everyone Vol 18 Issue 2. Retrieved from
- Zivanov, M. (2021) Using the Matrix Method for the Skin Diseases. presented at the Sparsh 2021 Dermatology Webinar of IHMA (Indian Homeopathic Medical Association), February 28th, 2021, India.
- Zivanov, M. (2021) An Introduction to Matrix Method in Homeopathy. presented at the 100th Day Celebration Webinar of IFPH (International Forum for Promoting Homeopathy), March 14th, 2021, India.